Information on and where to find xTB parameters [Edit on GitHub]
Keyword descriptions
- CN_CONSTANTS: real[3] = 6.00000000E-003 -3.00000000E-003 -5.00000000E-003
Usage: CN_CONSTANTS 0.006 -0.003 -0.005
Scaling parameters for Coordination number correction term. [Edit on GitHub]
- COORDINATION_CUTOFF: real = 1.00000000E-006
Define cutoff for coordination number calculation [Edit on GitHub]
- COULOMB_CONSTANTS: real[2] = 2.00000000E+000 1.50000000E+000
Usage: COULOMB_CONSTANTS 2.00 1.50
Scaling parameters for Coulomb interactions (electrons, nuclei). [Edit on GitHub]
- COULOMB_SR_CUT: real = 2.00000000E+001
Usage: COULOMB_SR_CUT 20.0
Maximum range of short range part of Coulomb interaction. [Edit on GitHub]
- COULOMB_SR_EPS: real = 1.00000000E-003
Cutoff for short range part of Coulomb interaction. [Edit on GitHub]
- D3BJ_PARAM: real[2] = 6.30000000E-001 5.00000000E+000
Usage: D3BJ_PARAM 0.63 5.0
Becke-Johnson parameters (a1, a2 for the D3 dispersion method. [Edit on GitHub]
- D3BJ_SCALING: real[2] = 1.00000000E+000 2.40000000E+000
Usage: D3BJ_SCALING 1.0 2.4
Scaling parameters (s6,s8) for the D3 dispersion method. [Edit on GitHub]
- DISPERSION_PARAMETER_FILE: string = dftd3.dat
Specify file that contains the atomic dispersion parameters for the D3 method [Edit on GitHub]
- DISPERSION_RADIUS: real = 1.50000000E+001
Define radius of dispersion interaction [Edit on GitHub]
- EN_CONSTANT: real = -7.00000000E-003
Usage: EN_CONSTANT -0.007
Scaling parameters for electronegativity correction term. [Edit on GitHub]
- HALOGEN_BINDING: real[2] = 1.30000000E+000 4.40000000E-001
Usage: HALOGEN_BINDING 1.30 0.44
Scaling parameters for electronegativity correction term. [Edit on GitHub]
- HUCKEL_CONSTANTS: real[5] = 1.85000000E+000 2.25000000E+000 2.00000000E+000 2.08000000E+000 2.85000000E+000
Usage: HUCKEL_CONSTANTS 1.85 2.25 2.00 2.08 2.85
Huckel parameters (s, p, d, sp, 2sH). [Edit on GitHub]
- KAB_PARAM: string
Keyword can be repeated.
Usage: KAB_PARAM kind1 kind2 value
Specifies the specific Kab value for types A and B. [Edit on GitHub]
- PARAM_FILE_NAME: string = xTB_parameters
Usage: PARAM_FILE_NAME filename
Mentions: ⭐eXtended Tight Binding
Specify file that contains all xTB default parameters. [Edit on GitHub]
Usage: PARAM_FILE_PATH pathname
Mentions: ⭐eXtended Tight Binding
Specify the directory with the xTB parameter file. [Edit on GitHub]
- XB_RADIUS: real = 2.00000000E+001
Usage: XB_RADIUS 20.0
Specifies the radius [Bohr] of the XB pair interaction in xTB. [Edit on GitHub]