Section can be repeated.
This section specify the nature of the collective variables. [Edit on GitHub]
Keyword descriptions
- COLVAR: integer
Usage: COLVAR {integer}
Specifies the colvar on which to apply metadynamics. [Edit on GitHub]
- GAMMA: real = [fs^-1]
Usage: GAMMA {real}
References: VandenEijnden2006
Specifies the friction term in Langevin integration of the collective variable in the extended lagrangian scheme. [Edit on GitHub]
- LAMBDA: real = [internal_cp2k]
Specifies the lambda parameter for the coupling of the collective variable with the system coordinates in the extended lagrangian scheme. [Edit on GitHub]
- MASS: real = [amu]
Usage: MASS
Specifies the mass parameter of the collective variable in the extended lagrangian scheme. [Edit on GitHub]
- SCALE: real = [internal_cp2k]
Aliases: WIDTH
Usage: SCALE
Mentions: ⭐QM/MM with Built-in Force Field
Specifies the scale factor for the following collective variable. The history dependent term has the expression: WW * Sum_{j=1}^{nhills} Prod_{k=1}^{ncolvar} [EXP[-0.5*((ss-ss0(k,j))/SCALE(k))^2]], where ncolvar is the number of defined METAVAR and nhills is the number of spawned hills. [Edit on GitHub]