Back to the main page of this manual | Input reference of CP2K version 5.1 (Revision svn:18091) |
ATOMS {Word} {Word} | |
Defines the atomic kinds involved in the bond. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely 2 words. |
CS {Real} | |
Defines the cubic stretch term. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value: 0.00000000E+000 | |
Default unit: [bohr^-1] |
K {Real} ... | |
Defines the force constant of the potential. For MORSE potentials 2 numbers are expected. For QUARTIC potentials 3 numbers are expected. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects a list of reals. | |
Default unit: [internal_cp2k] |
KIND {Keyword} | |
Define the kind of Bondpotential. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one keyword. | |
Default value: CHARMM | |
List of valid keywords:
R0 {Real} | |
Defines the equilibrium distance. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default unit: [bohr] |
Back to the main page of this manual or the CP2K home page | (Last update: 24.10.2017) |