Back to the main page of this manual | Input reference of CP2K version 6.1 (Revision svn:18464) |
ATOM {Integer} ... | |
This keyword can be repeated and it expects a list of integers. |
Maximum displacement allowed for the centroid moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value: 5.00000000E-001 |
Moves are performed each CENTROID_MOVE_FREQ steps | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 20 |
COORD {Real} ... | |
This keyword can be repeated and it expects a list of reals. |
G-SECTOR_MOVE {Logical} | |
Switch on/off G-sector moves, i.e.,switch on/off bosonic symmetry | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one logical. | |
Default value: .TRUE. |
G-SECTOR_MOVE_REP {Integer} | |
Repetitions of G-sector moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 20 |
1 to HEAD_TAIL_MOVE_LMAX-1 beadswill be moved in head/tail moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 5 |
Open/Close acceptance adjustment parameter | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value: 1.00000000E-002 |
1 to OPEN_CLOSE_MOVE_LMAX-1 beadswill be moved in Open/Close moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 5 |
STAGING_MOVE_L {Integer} | |
L-1 beads will be moved | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 5 |
STAGING_MOVE_REP {Integer} | |
Number of repetitions for staging moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 10 |
SWAP_MOVE_LMAX {Integer} | |
1 to SWAP_MOVE_LMAX-1 beadswill be moved in Swap moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value: 5 |
WRITE {Logical} | |
Switch on/off writingstatistics of the different moves | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one logical. | |
Default value: .TRUE. |
Back to the main page of this manual or the CP2K home page | (Last update: 12.6.2018) |