Back to the main page of this manual | Input reference of CP2K version 9.1 |
&SCCS {Logical} |
Controls the activation of the SCCS section | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one logical. | |
The lone keyword behaves as a switch to
.TRUE. |
Default value:
ALPHA {Real} |
Solvent specific tunable parameter for the calculation of the repulsion term Grep = α S where S is the (quantum) surface of the cavity | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
0.00000000E+000 |
Default unit:
BETA {Real} |
Solvent specific tunable parameter for the calculation of the dispersion term Gdis = β V where V is the (quantum) volume of the cavity | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
0.00000000E+000 |
Default unit:
DELTA_RHO {Real} |
Numerical increment for the calculation of the (quantum) surface of the solute cavity | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
2.00000000E-005 |
Method for the calculation of the numerical derivatives on the real-space grids | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one keyword. | |
Default value:
List of valid keywords:
EPS_SCCS {Real} |
Tolerance for the convergence of the polarisation density, i.e. requested accuracy for the SCCS iteration cycle | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
1.00000000E-006 |
Alias names for this keyword: EPS_ITER, TAU_POL |
EPS_SCF {Real} |
The SCCS iteration cycle is activated only if the SCF iteration cycle is converged to this threshold value | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
5.00000000E-001 |
GAMMA {Real} |
Surface tension of the solvent used for the calculation of the cavitation term Gcav = γ S where S is the (quantum) surface of the cavity | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
0.00000000E+000 |
Default unit:
Alias names for this keyword: SURFACE_TENSION |
MAX_ITER {Integer} |
Maximum number of SCCS iteration steps performed to converge within the given tolerance | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value:
100 |
METHOD {Keyword} |
Method used for the smoothing of the dielectric function | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one keyword. | |
Default value:
List of valid keywords:
MIXING {Real} |
Mixing parameter (Hartree damping) employed during the iteration procedure | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
6.00000000E-001 |
Alias names for this keyword: ETA |
Relative permittivity (dielectric constant) of the solvent (medium) | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
8.00000000E+001 |
Back to the main page of this manual or the CP2K home page | (Last update: 31.12.2021) |