References: Schuett2018, Berghold2002
Polarized Atomic Orbital Method [Edit on GitHub]
Keyword descriptions
- CG_INIT_STEPS: integer = 2
Number of steepest descent steps before starting the conjugate gradients optimization. [Edit on GitHub]
- CG_RESET_LIMIT: real = 1.00000000E-001
The CG is reseted if the cosine of the angle between the last search direction and the new gradient is larger that the limit. [Edit on GitHub]
- CHECK_GRADIENT_TOL: real = -1.00000000E+000
Tolerance for check of full analytic gradient against the numeric one. Negative values mean don’t check at all. [Edit on GitHub]
- CHECK_UNITARY_TOL: real = -1.00000000E+000
Check if rotation matrix is unitary. Negative values mean don’t check at all. [Edit on GitHub]
- EPS_PAO: real = 1.00000000E-005
Mentions: ⭐PAO-ML
Convergence criteria for PAO optimization. [Edit on GitHub]
- EPS_PGF: real
Sets precision for potential and descriptor matrix elements. Overrides DFT/QS/EPS_DEFAULT value. [Edit on GitHub]
- LINPOT_INITGUESS_DELTA: real = 0.00000000E+000
Eigenvalue threshold used for calculating initial guess. [Edit on GitHub]
- LINPOT_PRECONDITION_DELTA: real = 0.00000000E+000
Eigenvalue threshold used for preconditioning. [Edit on GitHub]
- LINPOT_REGULARIZATION_DELTA: real = 0.00000000E+000
Mentions: ⭐PAO-ML
Eigenvalue threshold used for regularization. [Edit on GitHub]
Strength of regularization on linpot layer. [Edit on GitHub]
- MAX_CYCLES: integer = 1000
Mentions: ⭐PAO-ML
Maximum number of PAO line search cycles for a given hamiltonian. [Edit on GitHub]
- MAX_PAO: integer = 1000
Mentions: ⭐PAO-ML
Maximum number of PAO basis optimization steps. [Edit on GitHub]
- MIXING: real = 5.00000000E-001
Mentions: ⭐PAO-ML
Mixing fraction of new and old optimizied solutions. [Edit on GitHub]
- NUM_GRADIENT_EPS: real = 1.00000000E-008
Step length used for the numeric derivative when checking the gradient. [Edit on GitHub]
- NUM_GRADIENT_ORDER: integer = 2
Order of the numeric derivative when checking the gradient. Possible values are 2, 4, and 6. [Edit on GitHub]
- OPTIMIZER: enum = CG
Valid values:
Conjugate gradient algorithmBFGS
Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm
Optimizer used to find PAO basis. [Edit on GitHub]
Valid values:
Rotational invariant parametrization (machine learnable)FOCK
Fock matrix parametrizationGTH
Parametrization based on GTH pseudo potentialsEXP
Original matrix exponential parametrizationEQUIVARIANT
Equivariant parametrization
Parametrization of the mapping between the primary and the PAO basis. [Edit on GitHub]
- PENALTY_DISTANCE: real = 1.00000000E-001
Distance at which approaching eigenvalues are penalized to prevent degeneration. [Edit on GitHub]
- PENALTY_STRENGTH: real = 5.00000000E-003
Strength of the penalty term which prevents degenerate eigenvalues. [Edit on GitHub]
- PRECONDITION: logical = F
Lone keyword:
Apply a preconditioner to the parametrization. [Edit on GitHub]
- PREOPT_DM_FILE: string
Read pre-optimized density matrix from given file. [Edit on GitHub]
- REGULARIZATION: real = 0.00000000E+000
Strength of regularization term which ensures parameters remain small. [Edit on GitHub]
- RESTART_FILE: string
Reads given files as restart for PAO basis [Edit on GitHub]