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Minimal percent of MOS that have to converge within the Davidson loop before the SCF iteration is completed and a new Hamiltonian is computed | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
5.00000000E-001 |
Should be an estimate for the energy gap [a.u.] (HOMO-LUMO) and is used in preconditioning, especially effective with the FULL_ALL preconditioner, in which case it should be an underestimate of the gap (0.001 doing normally fine). For the other preconditioners, making this value larger (0.2) will tame the preconditioner in case of poor initial guesses. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one real. | |
Default value:
2.00000000E-001 |
FIRST_PREC {Integer} |
First SCF iteration at which a Preconditioner is employed | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value:
1 |
NEW_PREC_EACH {Integer} |
Number of SCF iterations after which a new Preconditioner is computed | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one integer. | |
Default value:
20 |
Type of preconditioner to be used with all minimization schemes. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one keyword. | |
Default value:
List of valid keywords:
This keyword cites the following reference: [VandeVondele2003] |
How the preconditioner is applied to the residual. | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one keyword. | |
Default value:
List of valid keywords:
SPARSE_MOS {Logical} |
Use MOS as sparse matrix and avoid as much as possible multiplications with full matrices | |
This keyword cannot be repeated and it expects precisely one logical. | |
The lone keyword behaves as a switch to
.TRUE. |
Default value:
.TRUE. |
Back to the main page of this manual or the CP2K home page | (Last update: 14.12.2021) |